中文翻译与英英解释 | 【宗教】施洗的约翰。
| | | john: n. 〔美俚〕 1.厕所(尤指男用厕所)。 2.嫖客。 ... | | the: 短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ... | | baptist: n. 1.【基督教】(主张全身浸水的)浸礼教徒。 2.圣 ... | |
Lang, Bernhard (2009) International Review of Biblical Studies Brill Academic Pub ISBN 9004172548 Page 380 - "33/34 CE Herod Antipas's marriage to Herodias (and beginning of the ministry of Jesus in a sabbatical year); 35 CE ? death of John the Baptist"Kokkinos, The Herodian Dynasty, pp. 268, 277.Goldberg, G. J (2001) "John the Baptist and Josephus" - "Having said that, it does appear that Josephus is giving John's death as occurring in 36 CE, which is at least 6 years later than what is expected from the New Testament, and after the crucifixion of Jesus." |
例句与用法 | 1. | Marquis , iook at the birth of john the baptist Marquis ,看施洗者john的诞生
| | 2. | St . john the baptist mass centre kwun tong 圣若翰弥撒中心观塘
| | 3. | St . john the baptist mass centre 圣若翰弥撒中心
| | 4. | For john the baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine ; and ye say , he hath a devil 施洗的约翰来、不吃饼、不喝酒你们说他是被鬼附著的。
| | 5. | For john the baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine ; and ye say , he hath a devil 33施洗的约翰来,不吃饼,不喝酒。你们说他是被鬼附着的。
| | 6. | It is presently kept in the royal chapel of the cathedral of saint john the baptist in turin , italy 现在存在在意大利都灵市的圣约翰大教堂的皇家小教堂里面。
| | 7. | For john the baptist has come neither eating bread nor drinking wine , and you say , he has a demon 33施浸者约翰来了,不吃饼,也不喝酒,你们就说,他有鬼附着。
| | 8. | Luke ' s gospel records that mary was a relative of elizabeth , mother of john the baptist ( luke 1 : 36 ) 路加的福音记载着马利是施洗约翰以利沙白的一个亲戚(路加1 : 36 ) 。
| | 9. | John the baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins 可1 : 4照这话、约翰来了、在旷野施洗、传悔改的洗礼、使罪得赦。
| | 10. | Lk . 7 : 33 for john the baptist has come neither eating bread nor drinking wine , and you say , he has a demon 路七33施浸者约翰来了,不吃饼,也不喝酒,你们就说,他有鬼附著。